Finally got a sunny day to try take some photos of the latest activities on site. This is a view from inside the gate.
Window sills are on the way. Garage really taking shape. Acquired a free window from the folks for the garage so i'm saving a bit of dosh!! Window to be placed on near wall of photo.
Security on site so far has not been an issue but with the birth of new calf, i think i'll have the place supervised for free over the next few months ->
Interesting times with the measuring up of the pre-cast floor, head height on the stairs etc. Engineer and company working to find the right solution -> getting a "cantilevered slab" to allow for a steep rise on first part of stairs and then extend the landing back towards the gable for the last 3 steps after the half landing! Photo to follow once pre-cast appears on site.
My reclaimed Limestone (from Dromineer) has arrived from Nenagh, first load is the loose stone for the front gate entrance, that stone will stay put for a while.
Bagged stone to come over w/end for the sunroom, front door and front of garage.
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Thursday, 21 June 2007
The Waiting game
Well the guys have finally returned to take the 2nd measuring with the internal block wall for the pre-cast slab so now its sit and wait time.. Ha ha yeah right.
Do you know what size openings for the chimneys, stairs, do you need any others??
Have the lads come back to build up internal walls and fireplaces?
what way are you going to screed off on top of the pre-cast floor?
Has the garage started yet, so you can finish that off and store the supplies in a safe and dry corner.
What are they going to ask you if you've decided on next?
Window sills is my next adventure, and then onto ensuite layouts for plumber before he comes back in 2 weeks time.
And don't mention the rain.
Terrible 2 weeks of wet weather, hardly a row of blocks go up each day. Yesterday 20th the guys were in full swing and 3 additional rows appeared on some walls.
ICF cutting out is fun.... Blocklayers ahve to clear a run each day on the ICF wall to tie the block wall into the concrete. I think i'll have to start chiselling away at the chimney spaces that need to come out. 2 sections of 5 ft by 9ft. that will take a while. My first major job on the house, roll up the sleeve and tuck in!
Do you know what size openings for the chimneys, stairs, do you need any others??
Have the lads come back to build up internal walls and fireplaces?
what way are you going to screed off on top of the pre-cast floor?
Has the garage started yet, so you can finish that off and store the supplies in a safe and dry corner.
What are they going to ask you if you've decided on next?
Window sills is my next adventure, and then onto ensuite layouts for plumber before he comes back in 2 weeks time.
And don't mention the rain.
Terrible 2 weeks of wet weather, hardly a row of blocks go up each day. Yesterday 20th the guys were in full swing and 3 additional rows appeared on some walls.
ICF cutting out is fun.... Blocklayers ahve to clear a run each day on the ICF wall to tie the block wall into the concrete. I think i'll have to start chiselling away at the chimney spaces that need to come out. 2 sections of 5 ft by 9ft. that will take a while. My first major job on the house, roll up the sleeve and tuck in!
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Ground floor External Walls up
Didn't get a photo of the finished floor, and now another week has passed and there are external walls up. ICF structure walls, for outside and inside central loadbearing wall.
Sunroom not done yet, blocks laid incorrectly to hold in the concrete being poured. Door from kitchen to sunroom wasn't cut out so that is to be cut now... special blades required for that. Not too bad a job given that i was off taking it easy in the Canaries for the week.
Next job is to get the concrete slab company in to measure up and they take 2weeks to deliver. meanwhile, garage walls are to commence this week and also internal block walls to be put in place.
Sunroom not done yet, blocks laid incorrectly to hold in the concrete being poured. Door from kitchen to sunroom wasn't cut out so that is to be cut now... special blades required for that. Not too bad a job given that i was off taking it easy in the Canaries for the week.
Next job is to get the concrete slab company in to measure up and they take 2weeks to deliver. meanwhile, garage walls are to commence this week and also internal block walls to be put in place.
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