Thursday, 19 July 2007

Upstairs walls built over 1 week.

Took a while to get pre-cast measured up and ordered and approved but just 5 days later it arrived on site. Got soapblocks up to mark out rooms, plumber and vacuum system in to lay out pipes. All the while the garage got a roof on. Sat 14th July concrete came to screed off the pre-cast floor. Now waiting the guys to come back for ICF walls on exterior for upstairs. Sunroom also being done this time round.
23rd July -> Amvic ICF guys back onsite and started work on the upstairs walls.

Monday Morning Photo

Monday evening photo

Tuesday evening Photo

Wednesday Photo

Skipped thursday as i forgot the camera.. but the gables were finished and the sunroom started.

Friday - The big pour
All done on time, concrete arrived around 10am, and poured into the walls. 13 cars onsite as the team run round to make sure all goes well. click on photo to see larger view.

Windows are measured up, and currently designing stained glass for front door and window by stairs.
Gutters measured up for on garage and to be ordered.

Still a bit slow on the stonemason and plasterer but i'll get there. Prices coming in now so hopefully they'll be able to line up with the current schedule of work.

Carpenter hoping to have house roofed for August Bank holiday w/end before his holidays so i am thrilled with this deadline (that i didn't have to set).

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